eating a muffin
The final stages of projects can be really dull. Pareto's rule, the law of the vital few , can be a good explanation. After all, most of the job has already been done, and now we come near the finishing touches. As exciting as they may be, in long term projects, most of the excitement has already been used, and it is hard to regain that "here comes the end!" feeling for the hundredth time. This intro probably explains how I found myself, while verifying a punctuation rule regarding English comma s, enchanted by the way some grammatical examples could also shed a light on literary techniques. The objective - depict a father eating a muffin . The possibilities (to be shortly demonstrated, quoted with slight variations from Wikipedia ) are endless: Once upon a time, my father ate a muffin. My father ate the muffin, damn! My father, if you don’t mind me telling you this, ate the muffin. Sad and bitter, my father ate the muffin. My father, his eyes flashin...