
מציג פוסטים מתאריך אפריל, 2012

Armageddon by a neutron

It wasn't a comet neither a star just a neutron flying afar . The nuclei before him knew not its ahead and before anyone understood we were all dead . No longer  particle or wave , without matter to adhere or enslave, a strange state of being - without any must  - Free - at last . All rights reserved to  Cha Plan Sha 

History's Hold

Out of Egypt we went after debate and the desert was great ! Then the promise was made and we came to a Land which we took by our hand with Fire and Swords and our own people's might making the land into our's by right. Out we were thrown but then we returned then from our hands the country was riven and away we were driven. Now, once more we are back at our shore but yesterday's sorrow shadows tomorrow. Old habits die hard and fears cast a mold will we ever set free from history's hold ? All rights reserved to  Cha Plan Sha