Incredissapointment = the feeling one has after an incredible achievment, which turns out to be not enough, but just by the tiniest measurement unit.
We came so close to changing the political map in these elections. Just a few more votes going our way, and it could have been so very different. I am so incredissapointed!
Susan's Boyle amazing performance at "Britan has got talent" does not express incredissapointment in itself.
It is a moment of an incredible achievment. But the lyrics of the song she sings, express incredissapointment better than any other song I know:
We came so close to changing the political map in these elections. Just a few more votes going our way, and it could have been so very different. I am so incredissapointed!
Susan's Boyle amazing performance at "Britan has got talent" does not express incredissapointment in itself.
It is a moment of an incredible achievment. But the lyrics of the song she sings, express incredissapointment better than any other song I know:
"I dreamed a dream in times gone by... Now life has killed The dream I dreamed."