
מציג פוסטים מתאריך פברואר, 2013

The vocabulary of missing feelings: Repugration

Repugration = a strange combination of repugnance and admiration. As I was reading about the I sraeli's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, plan of cancelling the primaries in his own party, which he has been dominating for most of the last 20 years , my heart and mind were filled with repugration. It was not just the man's shameless cunning. It was his endless, infinite, all-consuming ambition.  This image is quoted from Wikipedia. It is in the Public's domain . 

the fields of Athenry

It is a period of seeking for me, on a multitude of plains, and in such times, inspiration is sometimes hard to get. At such times, Listening is one of the most powerful tools I know. I have just posted about one of the most inspirational hebrew songs I know, " to see the light ", and shortly afterwards it was clear to me that I wish, need, feel, know that I also must listen to the  wonderful words of " The Fields of Athenry ". There are several great performances of this song, but I prefer two great versions - 1)  The Dubliners'  emotional version - 2) Charlie and the Boys'  rougher, more of the people's version - Both present different sides of this song, a great example of Irish poetry, that great and powerful art which tears one's heart and fills it at the same time with endless longing, pain and compassion.

ולרגע יכולתי לשמוע עלים מלמדים שירתם

" לראות את האור ", אחד השירים היפים יותר שנכתבו והולחנו בשפה העברית, בביצועה של אפרת גוש , הוא אחד מאותם השירים שמאפשרים לו, לשומע, לראות את 'האור' לו הוא נזקק באותו רגע. שיר עתיר השראה, קסום, שתמיד שווה להקדיש לו ול מילותיו כמה דקות... "ולרגע יכולתי לשמוע עלים מלמדים שירתם ורציתי לעלות גבוה לפרוח איתם "