Not wanting to know

When at night I walk
slowly down the sidewalk
with my steps making the only sound
and darkness the entire world surrounds
I will not turn around
to see who follows light 
for I know it is probably 
just a bird of night.

The real cause is that I fear
for a monster might be near.
Without me looking,
without me hearing,
Without my knowing,
it might not be.
And thus if I can help myself
bad omens, 
 signs and proofs
are all ignored like mere silly spoofs.

I sit aside, 
and in my news I hide.  
reality may not disturb
the comfort and security of my dreams curb. 

All rights reserved to Cha Plan Sha 


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

התקווה אלטרנטיבי

what shall we do without the vision of an end ?

סיפור דמיוני ללא קשר לאירועי-דיומא