a tribute to the U.S presidency campaign

Romney fights Obama 
shall we rhyme it with mama
or with the Dalai Lama

Not just a candidate's name, 
despite the derived fame. 
Each holds so much more - 
Lets start with the runner up: 

Romney was the name of an old english man of war
it serves as the name of 

But lets not talk on 
that candidate's name 
any more 
for we have another name 
upon which to bore:

Obama might not suggest as much interpretations
but still, the president's name also serves 
(truthfully, in his honor as president it was renamed 
but it was surely done to spare that peak 
from its marshier fame).
adds a few more lines to this silly game
as the poet's toil 
unfolds a new type of soil 

Romney fights Obama 
Obama fights Romney 
the sand clock empties soon 


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

התקווה אלטרנטיבי

what shall we do without the vision of an end ?

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