
It has been ages
since the last time.

So M-U-C-H
Has Passed
that I no longer really remember.

How does it feel ?
Is it R-E-A-L-L-Y Real ?
Sometimes, obsessing about it, is such an ordeal
that I just wish there was some kind of a pill
to make this infinite need sum up into some form of nil.

But some parts of ourselves are not that easy to kill.

Once more, my soul's refusal to kneel
before Mundanity's grill
makes my spine chill,
for I - no other - shall pay the resulted bill.

But as the sight of that other path,
overflowed by the bulk
blocks my throat
with a metaphorical chunk
I seem to have no other choice
but to debunk
to rejoice
and to find my own voice.

It has been ages
since the last time.
But the next time will be different.

All rights reserved to Cha Plan Sha 


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

התקווה אלטרנטיבי

what shall we do without the vision of an end ?

סיפור דמיוני ללא קשר לאירועי-דיומא