will 2012 be the last ?

(XKCD licensed this under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License). 

2012 may be the last year. Ever.

One minute for rationale speech: Yes, I do know that the perception of the 21/12/2012 as the LAST DAY of the MAYAN Calendar is wrong, and it is actually an indication for a change of eons, an end of the 13th Baktun and the beginning of the 14th Baktun, all a part of the great cycle of the Mayan Calendar long count.

Now lets get back to having fun: 2012 may be the last year. Ever.
Think about it.

What would you like to do in this last year of the universe ? What wouldn't you like to do ?

As it seems like a very potent line of pondering, I intend to revisit it during the year, in an attempt to create a cycle of songs dealing with the last year notion.

It would be quite like last year's "poetry of the snuffles" cycle (in hebrew), a cycle which I hope shall not be revisited this year, if only the Lord of the Snot shall have mercy upon my nose. And in this comparison I mean that some months may bring several literary attempts under this theme. Others may prove to be barren.

And with this first representative of the cycle, I shall wish you a merry new year: May it be the best ever.
"the last" 
So, this is the last.
oh my brethren!
the herd,
do not fear.
For the end is near.
Lets stand together,
at last.
What a blast.

(All rights of the poem, "the last" are reserved to Cha Plan Sha 


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

התקווה אלטרנטיבי

what shall we do without the vision of an end ?

סיפור דמיוני ללא קשר לאירועי-דיומא