The vocabulary of missing feelings: Empaticism

Empaticism = when Skepticism and Empathy meet. Usually a short-lived moment when one needs to decide whether he believes a far-fetched tale, of the type one has told himself in the past.  

Demonstrating story: As my friend was telling me about his faith, I couldn't decide which side of my empaticism was winning. On one side, I was rather skeptic about the truthfullness of his tale. On the other side, I remembered the times I felt just like him, and wished that it would be true. 


פוסטים פופולריים מהבלוג הזה

התקווה אלטרנטיבי

what shall we do without the vision of an end ?

סיפור דמיוני ללא קשר לאירועי-דיומא